Friday, June 26, 2009

My Fiesta Day

Today is fiesta day. If you are confused at what I mean by this, it's o.k. Fiesta day is everything that other days are not. It is the day for possibilities, the day for social experiments : the day for salsa and slang. Oh hey? What do you mean by salsa? That sounds exotic? What does it look like? I'll save you the 10 seconds of your life searching for salsa on wikipedia and spare you a picture:
Just my pet Alfo (Alfonso) enjoying salsa. LOL what a tool!

But really fiesta day is my life. I also like to use "slang" on this blessed day as well. I will use some in a paragraph for you:

Today I was with my tool Alfo, and he dared to call me an arsewipe. Then I told that schwine that that's bollocks and he's just upset and he's talking out of his wazoo. Then I looked back and saw him light my pad on fire. WIZARD! Yampy old bastard. Damn commie.

This is based on a true story. Even though Alfo is the biggest crack-whore in the world, I guess he's still my cuz in the end. 
Overall, it's been a great fiesta day. I hope you participate as well.
Catch you on the flip side, I suppose.


  1. :)

  2. Dear sHarpie,
    What a great information I learned from your length and detailed post.
    A special feeling of good warmth and spirit I have.

    Love always and rememberences,
